Friday, December 5, 2008

Comment on Natasha's Blog

I will comment on my classmate Natasha’s blog: “Do not Phone and Drive.” This topic is very important now that rate of accidents has increased since the cell phones have become a fashion (although necessary). Natasha shows herself concerned for passing a new law for banning the use of cell phones while driving. She has recognized that it is dangerous talking thru cell or texting because she has experienced sometimes slamming her breaks while texting.
She suggests disallowing the use of cell phone, but allowing the hands-free units; however, I believe that hands-free units are also distracting in some way. I have used those kinds of units and I found out that these devices are distracting, also. They make you to have your attention in the conversation rather than in the traffic or signals, so I think hands-free devices would not help at all. We should educate ourselves in avoiding the use of cell phone because we know that it is distracting, instead of hiding from the police to avoid a ticket. Therefore, use the cell when you really really need it because let us recognize that there are sometimes the cell phones are necessary when getting directions or receiving emergency calls. So if it were banned, we would be trapped and we would have to violate the law in some moment for an emergency.