Monday, October 20, 2008

Bundling, a solution for candidate’s campaign

The main topic of this blog, by Gardner Selby, is the Bundling from Texans to help McCain and Obama’s race. (Bundling: collecting many small to midsize contributions into mountains of campaign cash.) Bundling became popular as a legal way for campaigns to gather large amounts efficiently.

The author’s intended audience for this article is for those people who are involved in politics, and for those who may want to support a candidate for certain supporter's benefit. For instance, a businessman could support his favorite candidate's campaign whose proposals best fit supporter’s necessity.

The author is presenting his information well supported since he shows quotations from fundraisers.

According with this author’s information, McCain has been supported more than Obama by Texan supporters. However, the author, as it has been noticeable that Austin American Statement supports Obama, is trying to show that even though a candidate spends so much money in the campaign, it will not ensure the presidential throne. It has been known through polls Obama has more percentage of winning.

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