Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is it Worth to Invest in Campaign?

It makes me feel almost sick to see the money is being spent on these political campaigns, and how candidates literally buy elected office depending on how much money they have to spend. Many people criticize Barack Obama, a candidate running on helping the middle class, arguing that why do not give tens of millions of these campaign dollars to the middle class. I have noticed that many people attack Barack’s spending in campaign, ignoring McCain’s.
As campaign entered last week the rate of early voting increased considerably. More that 2.3 million voters in Texas went to vote, according to the Texas Secretary of State. That is a 57.4 percent increase over early voting at the same point four years ago. This has been the result of this BIG spending, at least.
Everyone just hope a change. Opinions show that Obama could be the right man for the job especially for small business owners.

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