Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Comment on Mike's blog

I will make a comment about my colleague Mike’s blog. He brought an interesting issue regarding the abuse of power some school districts are applying over student’s freedom of expression. He found out that some Texas school districts are prohibiting students the use of jackets with hoods on them because it obstruct security camera to view student’s face.

Mike is claiming that it is absurd. He supports his claim stating that because of this banning, students will be on alert in their “second home” or/and uncomfortable. Also, he states that schools should not focus on what students wear, but what is their brain since schools have been dropping the rate of students’ success.

I support his claim on respecting the student’s freedom. On the other hand, I believe that students shouldn’t wear fashionable clothing; instead, schools should make mandatory the uniform. That way, students will learn to be disciplined from his base education and will promote equality, so students can focus on school tasks.

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