Friday, December 5, 2008

Comment on Natasha's Blog

I will comment on my classmate Natasha’s blog: “Do not Phone and Drive.” This topic is very important now that rate of accidents has increased since the cell phones have become a fashion (although necessary). Natasha shows herself concerned for passing a new law for banning the use of cell phones while driving. She has recognized that it is dangerous talking thru cell or texting because she has experienced sometimes slamming her breaks while texting.
She suggests disallowing the use of cell phone, but allowing the hands-free units; however, I believe that hands-free units are also distracting in some way. I have used those kinds of units and I found out that these devices are distracting, also. They make you to have your attention in the conversation rather than in the traffic or signals, so I think hands-free devices would not help at all. We should educate ourselves in avoiding the use of cell phone because we know that it is distracting, instead of hiding from the police to avoid a ticket. Therefore, use the cell when you really really need it because let us recognize that there are sometimes the cell phones are necessary when getting directions or receiving emergency calls. So if it were banned, we would be trapped and we would have to violate the law in some moment for an emergency.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Is Mass Media Giving Support to the Recession?

It is scaring to listen or read the News regarding the recession we are just living. The News are doubling the consequences of the recession. Although they keep us informed what is going on, they are making to lose our confidence in spending, which is one the main factors that leads us to the recession.
For a perfect economy we should increase the spending, and the economy would out of recession. What it has been happening as stated before, our confidence on spending has been lost, and small Texans businesses have started to shut down, even big stores. As workers get laid off or have their wages cut, household income decline. Thus, reduction in investment spending implies a reduction in household incomes. The way to get recession out is get someone to spend more on goods and services.
I think News should "hide" a little bit of the recession we are living and restore step by step our confidence.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Comment on Mike's blog

I will make a comment about my colleague Mike’s blog. He brought an interesting issue regarding the abuse of power some school districts are applying over student’s freedom of expression. He found out that some Texas school districts are prohibiting students the use of jackets with hoods on them because it obstruct security camera to view student’s face.

Mike is claiming that it is absurd. He supports his claim stating that because of this banning, students will be on alert in their “second home” or/and uncomfortable. Also, he states that schools should not focus on what students wear, but what is their brain since schools have been dropping the rate of students’ success.

I support his claim on respecting the student’s freedom. On the other hand, I believe that students shouldn’t wear fashionable clothing; instead, schools should make mandatory the uniform. That way, students will learn to be disciplined from his base education and will promote equality, so students can focus on school tasks.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is it Worth to Invest in Campaign?

It makes me feel almost sick to see the money is being spent on these political campaigns, and how candidates literally buy elected office depending on how much money they have to spend. Many people criticize Barack Obama, a candidate running on helping the middle class, arguing that why do not give tens of millions of these campaign dollars to the middle class. I have noticed that many people attack Barack’s spending in campaign, ignoring McCain’s.
As campaign entered last week the rate of early voting increased considerably. More that 2.3 million voters in Texas went to vote, according to the Texas Secretary of State. That is a 57.4 percent increase over early voting at the same point four years ago. This has been the result of this BIG spending, at least.
Everyone just hope a change. Opinions show that Obama could be the right man for the job especially for small business owners.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bundling, a solution for candidate’s campaign

The main topic of this blog, by Gardner Selby, is the Bundling from Texans to help McCain and Obama’s race. (Bundling: collecting many small to midsize contributions into mountains of campaign cash.) Bundling became popular as a legal way for campaigns to gather large amounts efficiently.

The author’s intended audience for this article is for those people who are involved in politics, and for those who may want to support a candidate for certain supporter's benefit. For instance, a businessman could support his favorite candidate's campaign whose proposals best fit supporter’s necessity.

The author is presenting his information well supported since he shows quotations from fundraisers.

According with this author’s information, McCain has been supported more than Obama by Texan supporters. However, the author, as it has been noticeable that Austin American Statement supports Obama, is trying to show that even though a candidate spends so much money in the campaign, it will not ensure the presidential throne. It has been known through polls Obama has more percentage of winning.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More money to protect Texan borders?

The Dallas Morning News, on September 30th, 2008, presented an article with an opening saying that Gov. Rick Perry wants $24 million to fight the gangs that are spreading like virus along the southern border.
This article sounds aggressive since Perry is using racist words. The way in which Gov. Perry is expressing may be offensive for some people because he is describing people, entering illegally, with a racist terminology. Also, is acting prematurely since he is trying to attract citizen’s attention now that his possible re-election is coming.
This article may not be favorable for Republicans now that elections are getting closer because this kind of arguments could be negative in favor for his party.
Although the article is well supported because most of the texts are in quotations, the author does not present the source of this information. Moreover, the author could have been more concerned in the audience. On the other hand, the author could seem as if he were in favor of Democrats exaggerating Perry’s speech to make people aware of what is coming if he were again Governor.